Thursday, May 28, 2009
A question
Today I will
Monday, May 25, 2009
Farther Along
Friday, May 22, 2009
Are we living true
Sing a song, full of the faith that the dark past has taught usSing a song, full of the hope that the present has brought usFacing the rising sum of our new day begunLet us march on till victory is won
Stony the road we trod, bitter the chastening rodfelt in the days when hope unborn had diedyet with a steady beat, have not our weary feetcome to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come, over a way that which tears has been wateredWe have come, treading out path through the blood of the slaughteredOut of the gloomy past, till now we stand at last,Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast
GOD of our weary years, GOD of our silent tearsThou Who has brought us thus far on the wayThou Who hast by Thy might, led us into the lightKeep us for-e-ver in the path we pray
Lest our feet, stray from the places our GOD where me met theeLest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world we forget TheeShadowed beneath thy hand, may we forever standTRUE TO OUR GOD, TRUE TO OUR NATIVE LAND
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Is aware of his historical heritage,
Respects the rights and cultures of others,
Is of strong personal integrity, good character, is honest and trustworthy, walks in dignity towards himself and others, is courteous, reserved, cooperative and self disciplined, respects authority, appreciates values and
Demonstrates ethical behaviors, does not display rude, abusive or violent behaviors,
Does not display intimacy nor violate the sensibilities of others in public, does not fight, steal, carry or use weapons, SAYS and DOES "NO" to illegal drugs,
Understands and abides by the legal age (21) and other requirements for
The conscientious use of all alcohol products and, if he legally so chooses
To consume, does not get drunk or attempt to drive when drinking.
After all, the HAMPTON MAN is an educated, goal-oriented, pace-setting
entrepreneur, a compassionate man on a mission; he realizes the need
for proper attire for all occasions, removes his hat when entering buildings,
opens and holds door for Hampton Women, walks female students
from the library to the residence halls at night
--he is a gentleman!
Woodson H. Hopewell, Jr.
Dean of Men
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What is Excellence?
Does everyone have to ability to be excellent? I believe so. Why is it that so often people who are students of Nobel Prize winners go on to become Nobel Prize winners? Why can almost anyone go to a great trumpet teacher and learn to play in ways that they never dreamed of? These teachers are teaching their students to be excellent -- excellence isn't the person; it's the philosophy.
How can we be excellent at what we do? After all, we don't have great teachers to show us the way. First of all, if you are reading this, you are already well on your way to excellence. You care enough to try to learn about it and do it. These are my thoughts on what I do differently than those around me -- especially people who view me as some sort of genius. I'm going to estimate out of 100 people that half will leave at each step of excellence.
First, you have to be demanding of yourself. You can't stop or give up when the going gets tough. Through your journey there will be ups and downs and ins and outs. Rejoice on the ups and ins, but use it and ride it forward. Out of the 100 people, 50 will be satisfied with their first couple of successes and stop there. People who demand excellence know that each success is a small step towards excellence. You must keep climbing. On the other hand, progress is not linear (or step-wise), you will fall on your journey. You will go backwards, not just leveling off but decreasing in ability. Recognize that this is also a step towards excellence. You must be the most demanding at this point. Do not stop just because you stopped improving. The dip in ability is the tear down before the build up. Ride it; it gives you momentum to overcome the next big hill. What happens when you work out at the gym? You must tear the muscle down before it can repair itself and become stronger. This will happen to anyone's abilities if they want to become excellent. Out of the 50, 25 will leave when they become discouraged from decreased abilities.
Let's say you're one of the 25 people who demand more from themselves. What now? You have to practice every single day. People who are excellent don't miss a day of practice, period. Vacation is not an excuse. Some things require days off -- like body building. On the days of physical rest, you read about it, you visualize yourself doing it well (better than you currently can), you go out and teach someone else, there are hundreds of things to keep you doing your activity on your day off (if the day off is truly required). But beware, be sure that you really should be taking the day off, rather than making an excuse not to do it. Also, it is even more important for those people to get back in and continue practicing on the days they should be. We will lose 13 more people, leaving us at 12 out of the original 100.
You must practice correctly! Practicing everyday is bad if you are practicing incorrectly. When you practice incorrectly, you reinforce bad habits. This can be the hardest step for most people -- especially without a teacher. Demand more than just consistent practice from yourself -- demand excellence! There are ways around the teacher issue, but finding a good teacher is always the best solution at this stage. If you are a body building, read about proper posture, and get a mirror and check your posture. If you are trying to learn music, get a tape recorder and record yourself. The recording does not lie. Listen for what is wrong. Does it sound good? Are you on pitch? Can you even tell? If you can't tell, then you know what the next step for improvement is. I want to say that 90% will fail at this step, but I'll stick to my estimate. Of the original 100, only 6 will practice correctly every day regardless of improvement or failure.
Identify your weakest ability, and work on that. Most people -- even the 6 who made it this far -- only like to work on things they are good at. Be critical every day, and keep a journal. Write down what went well and what went poorly. Analyze what you did that day. Then the next day, work on the thing that needs the most improvement. It is too easy to keep building up the skill that we are best at, and it causes a level off in overall ability. This level off will be permanent even following the above advice if you don't work on the things that need improvement. Of the original 100, only 3 will do this step along the above steps.
You must be intrinsically motivated. Be honest with yourself. Why do you want to be excellent at this thing? If it is for money, or power, or fame, or something external in the world, you will probably never become as good as you could be. You must have a desire, a passion, to be good at what you do. Without this, you cannot achieve excellence. I find it hard to believe people could do all the things above without some internal burning desire to be excellent, but this chops off 2 of the last 3 remaining people. Following the above advice, you can be the one excellent person for every hundred that try. Now stop reading and go out there and practice!
Posted by Jeff at 12:02 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
#7 30Day Work out Plan
My Success seems Stagnate
On yesterday I was attempting to prepare my presentation and come up with my blog on day six of the thirty day work out. As I worked on the blog I had trouble trying to get my thoughts out. As I continued to try and write I noticed that it seemed as if I had nothing at all. By time I completed the strategies for day six I felt unsatisfied with my results. All day I could not help but wonder what was going on why couldn't I write anything and there I realize I had too many of the wrong things on my mind that I was not able to think clearly.
Sometimes you can have stagnate success, not necessarily you purposely putting your goals to the back burner but you have been consumed with other people desires and other people problems. We are constantly being reminded from peers in our lives about stagnate success but they never word it just like that. We think to our selves it could never happen to me, but before we know it two years have gone by and we have not reached our set goals. We have overpowered our goals and substituted them with the goals of other people. One of the first things you learn when boarding an Airplane is that when the air mask fall to place your mask on first and then assist any baby or those around you. The purpose for that is to insure that you are able to remain conscious. We must remember through it all that our success depends on us staying conscious, if we do not stay focus we will become stagnate and eventually lose our tenacity, the driving force that allows us to live the best lives possible. It's impossible to reach or touch every ones lives. It's impossible to make everyone happy. And even in making people happy or upset those are just emotions. The great things about emotions are they will give over them. Keep a back bone in all that you do, your back bone will keep you upright when friends turn against you. People will think that you are trying to be better than them, and in some cases you are. If you are not happy with where you are then you must admit the truth and let those know I am not happy. To deny what's with in is to deny yourself the chance to be able to grow and or reach your goal of what you call success. Do not get me wrong I do not promote snobbish attitudes but I do promote for you to know who you are and going for what you want. I promote high self-esteem and positive thinking. I promote advancement and not displacement. If you are not happy today then what is going to make you happy tomorrow. The thing about being stagnate even water eventually stinks when it does not move. If you continue to be mediocre you two will become snobbish and stink because you are not happy. You are given one life to live, and one body to cherish. If you fell on one you have felled on all.